Quality or Quantity Transcription



What do you value more; quality transcription or quantity transcription?

The question of whether quality is more important than quantity and vice versa is an “apples and oranges” dilemma.  It is like choosing between fuel and battery, which are both essential to run a car.

Instead of choosing between quality and quantity, you rather chose to believe in the principle of “quality in quantity”.  Quality and quantity are two inseparable aspects of any job.  One cannot be disregarded in favor of the other, to do so is actually very counterproductive.  Again, no car runs with either fuel OR battery alone, obviously a car needs both fuel AND battery.

The goal of any business is to deliver optimum products and services.  No business can content itself in delivering only maximum (quantity) or fine (quality) performance.  Instead, businesses must always strive for optimum (quantity AND quality) performance.  This is in line with the business’ goal of minimizing expense AND maximizing revenue, with the realization of both expense reduction and revenue augmentation as equally essential in the financial health of any business.

That’s because focusing on quantity only fails to minimize expense.  A business may be able to accomplish large quantities of workloads with rather questionable quality.  And because the quality is substandard, additional working hours will be spent for performing corrections instead of working over fresh workloads, thus the unnecessary labor expenses.

Focusing on quality only, on the other hand, keeps the business from maximizing revenue.  Simply put, why would a business accomplish close a deal in a day if it can instead close two deals in the same amount of time?

Pursuing quality is for minimizing expense, while pursuing quantity is for maximizing revenue.  And finally, pursuing “quality in quantity” is for the overall financial health of the business.

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9 Responses to “Quality or Quantity Transcription”

  1. The Rookie Blogger says:

    It depends on the needs of the company; if speed or money…

  2. Trina says:

    I totally agree. One should not choose one over the other since both quality and quantity go hand in hand to make a business successful.

  3. joyce says:

    Quality stands out for the main reason that it will measure how keen and careful a transcriptionist is.A dozen of transcribed voice file is useless if a wrong phrase in each file was written down.One small mistake will change the entire content of a transcribed file.It is better to have one accurate transcription than to have dozens of unreliable materials.

  4. Lilibeth L. Mejor says:

    I value both quantity and quality, but with every new work I take on, I try to impress them (be it superiors or colleagues or clients) with a quality work that can be at par with any experienced transcriptionist be it here or abroad. As I go along with the work, I try to familiarize it because it also helps to know the kind of job I’m dealing with. In this manner, speed comes in, thus the quantity follows. And thus, providing clients both the satisfaction of quality and quantity.

  5. karen villareal says:

    In medical field,the words “quantity and quality” are both important because these two needs to go with each other.But in my own opinion,the amount of words being transcribe is just secondary compared to a definite and reliable transcribed information.As a medical transcriptionist,the accuracy of words is what matters most.So,i think quality of work should be valued whether it be in a computer generated or just in simple tasks.

  6. Maricar Z. Palestroque says:

    I am a passionate person, whether it works for or against my employer, that means I would never compromise quality for the sake of quantity. Like when I was just learning to send correspondence, I would rather repeat typing (we used typewriters in some correspondence)than have any erasure on my output.I am not a very neat person but I can’t stand having any mistake on my work especially if I noticed it. Besides, if we are to deal with doctors quality would be synonymous to accuracy which is very vital in the patient’s life and of course to the doctor’s career.

  7. Jeiu says:

    With my experiences in transcription, it usually depends on the amount of workload given to you and the accuracy demanded by the clients. My main concern about focusing more on quality though is that sometimes, output and turnover tends to be more laggish at the expense of acquiring more clients. On the other hand, focusing more on quantity tends to suffer questionable accuracy at the expense of the company reputation. So what is the solution? Most transcribing companies have quality assurance officers to ensure the accuracy of the work while maintaining fast output of files to the client. Not only does that ensure fast productivity, it also ensures that what you produce is indeed of quality. Instead of focusing on one, why not have the best of both worlds instead? :-)

    Let’s face it, in today’s capitalism, mass production is the key to profitability and companies won’t survive very long if they can’t find consumers who can consume their products on a massive scale. The transcription industry is no exception to this. No transcription company will survive if it can’t find numerous clients to avail of their services. Quality goes hand-in-hand with quantity.

  8. Cheryl says:

    With the experience I had in this line of work, transcription, quality goes hand in hand with quantity. That is always the key ingredient but first to have a better quantity, one must see to it that his quality is not bad. Quantity will follow if your quality is good.

  9. Ruth Raffiñan says:

    I agree, a balance obtained between the two is proven to be better according to studies abroad. Giving out quality products and outputs would attract more customers to the business and this would slowly build up rapport which leads to more orders of your product. In the end, it all balances out. :)

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