Transcriptionists Profiles – Lou Lapso

Lou Lapso

Archie: Welcome to The Transcriptionists Profiles, a series of interviews with people who are working as transcriptionists. My name is Archie, the author/administrator of Transcription Blog. Today, I’ll be talking to Lou Lapso. Hello Lou, welcome to the interview. It’s nice to have you.

Lou Lapso: Thank you for having me.

Archie: First, please tell me what is your profession or job now (current designation, e.g. senior MT) and where are you located?

Lou Lapso: I’m currently working weekends as a Shift Manager for an American Transcription Company: eVoice. eVoice is the transcription provider of Recovery Database Network. I basically edit voice transcription.

Archie: How did you end up being in your profession or job (as a transcriptionist) now? How long have you been working in that job (transcriptionist)?

Lou Lapso: Back in May 2006, I was invited to take a vacation in San Pablo, Laguna by my friend Claire. She is then a Shift Manager for Pennsylvania Data Company. She encouraged me to try transcription. A day after, I applied as Trainee. After two weeks I was employed as a part time home based transcriptionist. On June 2007, Pennsylvania Data Company was replaced by eVoice as Transcription Provider of Recovery Database Network. eVoice then promoted me to Shift Manager. This year due to recession in the US, eVoice cut back working days that’s why I ended up working weekends. 

Archie: If given a chance, do you like to work home based or office based? Why (briefly)?

Lou Lapso: Given a chance I would like to work as home based transcriptionist because I want to maximize the use of my Internet Service. It is also more convenient working home based than commuting to and fro to work.

Archie: Given the type of transcription to work with, which one do you prefer: Medical, General (Business, podcasts, interviews), or Legal Transcription.

Lou Lapso: I prefer to do General transcription. I’ve been doing business transcription for 4 years now.

Archie: Give one trait or quality to become effective or productive transcriptionist?

Lou Lapso: To become an effective transcriptionist, one must have a keen eye for details.

Archie: Lastly, what advice can you give to aspiring transcriptionist (or your profession)?

Lou Lapso: Be willing to learn and be trained. Exercise common sense at all times.  Be disciplined, work independently and meet deadlines.  Give your best at all times for a good quality transcription.

Archie: Thank you for your time today.


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One Response to “Transcriptionists Profiles – Lou Lapso”

  1. Lea says:

    This is a great post.

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